Autograph Price: TBD
Photo Op Price: N/A
Table Selfie Price: TBD
Other Pricing: TBD
Booth Location: #3409
Show Availabilty: Saturday, Sunday
Prices Subject to Change
Michael Jones is a multifaceted talent, recognized for his diverse contributions to entertainment. He found widespread acclaim through his association with Rooster Teeth. Joining the company in 2011, Jones swiftly became an integral member of the Achievement Hunter team, known for his charismatic presence and comedic prowess. Alongside his gaming exploits in popular series like “Rage Quit” and “Let’s Play”, he has also lent his voice to iconic characters in Rooster Teeth’s original productions, such as “RWBY,” where he embodies the character Sun Wukong and Max in “Camp Camp”. In addition to his achievements at Rooster Teeth, Jones has ventured into the realm of anime, notably contributing as Sting Eucliffe in the English dub of the beloved series “Fairy Tail”.