Autograph Price: $40 - 8x10", $50 - 11x17" Holographics, $60 - Pop, Quotes $20 longer than 6 words
Photo Op Price: TBD
Table Selfie Price: $50
Other Pricing: Combo Autograph/Selfie - $60 - 8x10", $80 - Pop/Premium Item, Voice Recordings - $80
Booth Location: #3437
Show Availabilty: Saturday, Sunday
Prices Subject to Change
Brianna Knickerbocker is an actor and singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles. She’s known for her voice acting work in popular videogames like Genshin Impact, Fire Emblem Heroes, Catherine Full Body and anime like Demon Slayer, Re:ZERO and Seven Deadly Sins. Her music is an ecovative blend of dark pop with electronic undercurrents. You can find her music on all major platforms under the alias Starless.