Autograph Price: TBD
Photo Op Price: TBD
Table Selfie Price: TBD
Other Pricing: TBD
Booth Location: #2305
Show Availabilty: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Dessi-Desu is a cosplayer, costume designer, and illustrator with over 20 years of experience crafting and wearing her cosplay creations. She infuses her love for art and design into cosplay, and has made a number of costumes based on her own designs, along with canon costume projects. Dessi-Desu has drawn designs inspired by a number of beloved characters for other cosplayers in the community to enjoy and bring to life. She also loves sharing her crafting knowledge with the cosplay community. For Dessi-Desu, cosplay has been an ongoing journey in learning and acquiring new skills, so when she isn’t drawing or sewing, she is always on the lookout for the next cosplay project with new and interesting challenges.
Photo Credit: World of Gwendana